Sunday, August 11, 2019

Astr hw4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Astr hw4 - Essay Example With the use of the VLA, the remnant G 1.9 and 0.3 that was small in size exploded while near to the center of the galaxy. The result was a source of a supernova explosion that happened 400 years ago. After a period of twenty two years, another explosion of the remnant occurred. It was a bit larger by 16 percent than the other supernova explosions. With the information it s true that the galaxy is becoming deficient in the production of the supernova in the last years. 2. The theory concerning the origin of water is believed that water was released from the volcanoes that were transformed to be asteroids and meteoroids. In the first theory that is related to the activity of the volcanic. It suggested that the earth had cooled leading to a recombination of the cooled elements. In the elements there existed hydrogen that split to form hydrocarbons of methane, and oxygen. The elements were carried into the air by the magma of hydrogen to create a combination of water droplets. The theory better explains the water accumulated on the surface but it does not explain seventy percent of the water sources. The second theory explains more claiming water to be formed by comets of earth-grazing. On the surface of the universe there exist water molecules at the nebulae. On the same note, water found at the universe is not the same as the one found at sea. The comets water has got deuterium levels (In Nollet & In De, 2013). 3. The snowball earth is a theory that tries to explain one of the coldest climates on earth. This is a planet that is completely covered with the ice that is glacial having a temperature of around -50 degrees. This is because the radiation of the sun connects back to the earth’s space. The evidence for the theory includes the distribution of both the Sturtian and Marinoan globally that form carbon isotope at the seawater. The marine deposits are also connected to the limestone at the surface of the ocean. The presence of the irons and deposits

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